
What can you find here? Reviews of new and not quite so new Sherlock Holmes novels and collections. Interviews with authors, link to blogs worth following, links to where you can purchase my books and some reviews of my work garnered from Amazon sites. Plus a few scary pics of me and a link to various Lyme Regis videos on YouTube...see what we do here and how....and indeed why!!! Next to the Lyme Regis Video Bar is a Jeremy Brett as Holmes Video Bar and now a Ross K Video Bar. And stories and poems galore in the archives.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

The last of the series......

The upcoming 'Sherlock Holmes and the Lyme Regis Trials' is set to be the last in the series of Sherlock Holmes in Lyme Regis pastiches. Lyme Regis being such a small town (op. of probably only 2800 in Victorian times) makes it a hard task indeed to keep the believability of events occurring here which would necessitate the intervention of Holmes and Watson at regular intervals. The three novellas which make up the series (Horror, Legacy and Trials) take place in 1896, 1898 and 1903 respectively, I fear to increase the number of visits to the town by the pair would really stretch the limits of credulity and the series would limp on interminably, running out of steam slowly or even quickly! So as much fun as it has been (and it has been) it must end with 'Trials'. That is not to say it is the end of my scribblings for the next novel will be set in Scarborough and if the childrens illustrated book is recieved well ( coming soon folks) then, who knows, it may turn into a series, so the world has not heard the last of me...cue evil laugh. I would like to thank all those In Lyme who have supported me....and so manyn of them find themselves in the pages of the fact, there will be a list of those very people at the end of 'Trials'!!

All the Lyme Regis Holmes novels are available from Amazon etc and all good and even not so good bookshops.


Anonymous said...

Just read about this after seeing it over at Mrs. Beatrice Watson, is that Watson's sister-in-law?

David said...

His wife!!!