
What can you find here? Reviews of new and not quite so new Sherlock Holmes novels and collections. Interviews with authors, link to blogs worth following, links to where you can purchase my books and some reviews of my work garnered from Amazon sites. Plus a few scary pics of me and a link to various Lyme Regis videos on YouTube...see what we do here and how....and indeed why!!! Next to the Lyme Regis Video Bar is a Jeremy Brett as Holmes Video Bar and now a Ross K Video Bar. And stories and poems galore in the archives.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Tempest of Lyme Rehearsals......

I know one thing for sure...I am in awe of the talent in this show. Now, I can't act for toffee (although make it a cider and I'll give it my best shot)but these guys go from an initial read-through to full blown performance in the twinkling of an eye (well, ninety minutes or so anyway). And the evolution of each scene is satisfying to see, how the characters themselves evolve depending on each actor's interpretation. Clemmie is quick to involve everyone in the dynamics of how each scene enfolds. Everyone has an input. Love it. The Tempest of Lyme is going to be very special indeed.

Here is Prospera (Nicca) looking up to one of her Ariels (Melissa).

We have five Ariels in the show. Why five I hear you ask. We thought with multiple Ariels we will be sure to get a better reception from the audience!

Mark those dates: 19th - 24th July.

Marine Theatre

Be there.

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