You can find here news about past, present and future publications, both Sherlock Holmes and non-related Holmes books To follow this year will be, Holmes and Watson: An Evening in Baker Street and The Gondolier and The Russian Countess.
Friday, 21 August 2015
New Project.....all suggestions welcome!!
I have been asked to contribute two Sherlock Holmes stories for inclusion in two anthologies to be published next year. One will be set before Watson arrives on the scene and feature Holmes in his lodgings/consulting room in Montague Street. Thinking it may involve one of those unrecorded cases that Watson teased us with from time to time, such as theTarleton murders. The other story needs to be set during Holmes's great hiatus (1891-1894) when he was presumed dead. As Florence is mentioned by Holmes as one of his first ports of call after his escape from the Reichenbach Falls that may be where I may set my tale.
If anyone has any ideas or suggestions....feel free to shout them in my direction!!
Thursday, 13 August 2015
Holmes and Watson: An American Adventure is released in the UK on the 14th October. For a chance to win a copy, follow the link below. Good luck!!
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Goodreads Book Giveaway

Holmes and Watson
by David Ruffle
Giveaway ends October 13, 2015.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway