
What can you find here? Reviews of new and not quite so new Sherlock Holmes novels and collections. Interviews with authors, link to blogs worth following, links to where you can purchase my books and some reviews of my work garnered from Amazon sites. Plus a few scary pics of me and a link to various Lyme Regis videos on YouTube...see what we do here and how....and indeed why!!! Next to the Lyme Regis Video Bar is a Jeremy Brett as Holmes Video Bar and now a Ross K Video Bar. And stories and poems galore in the archives.

Wednesday 13 February 2008


Vast and all consuming,
the stirring waters carry out their unending cycle across the entire Earth.
Like time, the tides rush onto the sandy shores,
bringing gifts and promises from the life beyond the surf.
The water runs over the sand and smoothes over the pebbles,
aging them, whispering volumes of knowledge into their nooks and crannies
as it caresses the imperfections and smooths the rough places.
Along the shore, a silent chorus of jewels sing out a single perfect chord.
Sensing a peaceful dénouement, the tide recedes just a little.
The chorus quiets as the tide goes back to its own,
bringing a few adventurous pebbles along to experience
the infinite opportunities the tide had whispered to them.
It recedes.
And hears one last mournful note from the shore before it disappears completely

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